HERO Masks

HERO - Mask is a crucial component of the HERO Module. It allows you to create a wide range of surfaces, from man-made textures to natural ones, offering versatility in your detailing process.

HERO - Noise Mask

The HERO - Noise Mask creates patterns using procedural noise, giving a varied and organic appearance.


The Seed value lets you easily change the noise pattern, giving your surface a fresh appearance.

HERO Mask Seed


The Detail slider influences the complexity of the noise within the mask, affecting how intricate or smooth the transition areas are.

HERO Mask Detail


The Inverse checkbox reverses the mask effect.


The Offset slider adjusts the mask to either expand or contract its coverage.


The Contrast slider controls the sharpness of the mask border, making the edges more distinct or softer.

Global Coordinates

The Global Coordinates checkbox makes the mask use overall (global) positions. If it's not checked, it uses the object's own (local) positions.


The Transform section lets you move and resize the mask along its axes.

HERO - Gradient Mask

The HERO - Gradient Mask allows for the creation of both smooth and sharp transition effects, offering customizable gradients to suit various design needs.

HERO Gradient Mask


The Falloff slider adjusts the sharpness of the mask's border, controlling how gradually or abruptly the mask transitions.


The Inverse checkbox reverses the mask effect.

Noise On/Off

The Noise On/Off checkbox toggles the application of noise to the mask's border, adding or removing texture effects.

Noise Seed

The Seed value lets you easily change the noise pattern, giving your surface a fresh appearance.

Noise Scale

The Noise Scale slider adjusts the size of the noise pattern on the mask's border when noise is enabled.

Noise Detail

The Noise Detail slider influences the complexity of the noise within the mask, affecting how intricate or smooth the transition areas are.

HERO - Material Mask

The HERO - Material Mask uses the material assigned to the original object to create the mask.

HERO Material Mask


For the HERO - Material Mask, use the original object's output socket to inherit material properties, not HERO - Start.


Material Input: Choose a Material to use as a mask from this field.


The object must have at least two different materials assigned to its faces for the mask to work effectively.


The Falloff slider adjusts the sharpness of the mask's border, controlling how gradually or abruptly the mask transitions.

Ref Geo IN

This input matches the one in the HERO - Start node. If you're using a reference object with HERO - Start, use the same object here for the Material Mask node.

Relative Scale

This works just like the one in HERO - Start. Make sure to use it in both places the same way.

HERO - Normal Mask

The HERO - Normal Mask, also known as a Directional Mask, creates a mask based on vector direction, targeting surfaces facing in a specific direction.

HERO Normal Mask


The Vector field allows you to select a direction for the mask using three axes.


The Offset slider lets you expand or shrink the mask.

HERO - Obj Pos Mask

The HERO - Obj Pos Mask uses the position of the input object to set the mask's location.

HERO Obj Mask


While any object can be used as input, the mask only utilizes its position. Therefore, it's better to use an Empty object for this purpose.


The Object field is used to select an object for the mask.


The Scale slider lets you adjust the size of the mask.


The Contrast slider controls the sharpness of the mask border, making the edges more distinct or softer.

Noise On/Off

The Noise On/Off checkbox toggles the application of noise to the mask's border, adding or removing texture effects.

Noise Scale

The Noise Scale slider adjusts the size of the noise pattern on the mask's border when noise is enabled.

Noise Detail

The Noise Detail slider influences the complexity of the noise within the mask, affecting how intricate or smooth the transition areas are.