Trowel Generators

Simple Wall Alpha

This generator, currently in early alpha, creates a solid wall from input geometry (Mesh or Curve).

Simple Wall

Depth Ref

Input field to select a reference object (e.g., a base brick) to set the wall's depth, matching the reference object's depth.


Manually set the wall's depth using a numerical value.

Boolean IN

Input for geometry to perform Mesh Boolean operations, such as cutting out windows or doors.

Depth Offset

Fine-tunes the wall's depth for precise adjustments.


Checkbox to double the wall's depth, creating both inside and outside surfaces simultaneously.

In / Out

Checkbox to choose whether the wall is placed inside or outside relative to the input geometry.

To Stones

This generator aims to provide a simple yet powerful tool for creating stonework, transforming input geometry into a stone-like layout that matches the shape of the input.

To Stones


To integrate with Trowel's Masks and Modifiers, this generator outputs Instances.

At first glance, it might seem to have many parameters, but each is designed for specific control over the stone layout.

Geo IN

This input is for any solid geometry you want to convert into stones.

Custom Points IN

Allows you to specify your own points for stone placement, overriding the Generator's default point creation. You can still merge custom points by distance, but parameters like Density, Density Multiplier, Seeds, and Relax are not applicable when using custom points.

Custom Points


Mesh to Points, Instances to Points, and Curve to Points are the point generation nodes that can be used as inputs.


Controls the number of stones; lower values mean fewer, larger stones to fill the input mesh's volume.


Density Multiplier

A multiplier for the Density value, useful for adjusting stone quantity when dealing with smaller input geometries.

Global Seed

Affects the randomness for both levels of stone placement, ensuring varied results with each run.

Point Position Seed

Controls the seed for the primary (initial) positioning of stones.

Point Position Relax

Adjusts how evenly spaced the stones are. Higher values lead to more uniform stone sizes.

Points Relax

Merge Distance

A crucial parameter that sets the proximity at which points (stones) are merged. Larger distances result in fewer stones.

Merge Distance


From 0 to 1, this controls how closely the stones conform to the shape of the input geometry; 0 is rough, 1 is very close to the original shape.



Scales the size of generated stones; 1 represents 100% scale.



Adjusts the space between stones. The default setting works for most scenarios, but increasing this can optimize performance with high stone counts.

Noise Scale

Influences the surface texture of the stones, adding detail or roughness. Default settings are suitable for most uses.


Checkbox to remesh the stones from the default low-poly mesh to either triangular or quadrilateral polygons for a cleaner look.

Lvl_02 Geo IN

This input port is for adding extra details to your stone mesh. See below for further explanation.

Remesh Panel

Triangle or Quad

Selection menu to choose between triangular or quadrilateral mesh topology for remeshing.



Determines the density of the mesh. Higher numbers make the remeshed stones more closely resemble the original geometry, while lower numbers result in a more rounded appearance.

Remesh Subd

Bulge Factor

Increase this to make the remeshed stones bulge outwards.

Bulge Factor

Round Factor

Adds a slight roundness to the edges of the remeshed stones for a smoother look.

Round Factor

Lvl_02 Panel

As Points

Checkbox to treat the input Geometry as individual points rather than as a mesh (polygons). Also useful if your Lvl_02 Geo IN is an Empty object(s).

Lvl_02 Multiplier

A factor to multiply the number of Lvl_02 Stones by, effectively scaling the Main Stones Density.

Lvl_02 Merge

Sets the distance at which Lvl_02 Stones are merged together.

Lvl_02 Falloff

Determines how far the Lvl_02 Stones will spread from their initial placement points.

Lvl_02 Falloff

Lvl_02 Seed

A seed value that controls the random positioning of Lvl_02 Stones.